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high power field中文是什么意思

用"high power field"造句"high power field"怎么读"high power field" in a sentence


  • 高倍视野
  • 显微镜高倍视肾


  • Microscopically , less than three red blood cells under each high power field of centrifuged sediment should be interpreted to be normal
  • As with sarcomas in general , leiomyosarcomas have spindle cells . several mitoses are seen here , just in this one high power field
  • The sensitivity of urine dipstick test in identifying hematuria is over 90 % , defined as more than three red blood cells per high power field of centrifuged sediment examined microscopically
    而阳性的尿液测量试纸判读结果所代表的意义可能为: 1血尿, 2血红素尿, 3肌球蛋白尿。
  • With the rapid development of the semiconductor technology , large of the vacuum electronic device has replaced by the semiconductor element from the middle period of the last century . however , the vacuum electronic device owns tremendous prepotency in the exceed - high frequency and wide frequency band and high power field , especially in the exceed - high power field . the complexion won ’ t be changed for a long period
  • From the middle - later period of the last century , with the rapid development of the semiconductor technology , large of the vacuum electronic device was replaced by the semiconductor element . however , the vacuum electronic device owns tremendous prepotency in the exceed - high frequency and high power field . this complexion won ’ t be changed for a long period
用"high power field"造句  


High Power Field (HPF) when used in relation to microscopy references the area visible under the maximum magnification power of the objective being used. Often, this represents a 400x (ie magnification)magnification level when referenced in scientific papers.
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